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Planning for the Future

Getting your finances in order and planning for the future is key to your financial wellbeing. Read tips, guides, news, and blogs about long-term investing and saving.

How Could the UK General Election Affect Your Investments?

Created on: 14/06/2024
Major events like a UK general election can impact financial markets due to their close link with the economy. Learn how this might affect your investments.
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Lump Sum Savings From the 'Bank of Mum and Dad'

Created on: 04/06/2024
Updated: 16/07/2024
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Do I have to pay tax on savings accounts?

Created on: 11/01/2024
When it comes to paying tax on the interest you earn from a savings account, there are a number of factors that impact whether you’ll have to do it or not. Thankfully, this handy blog is here to help you navigate the process!
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What are the Income Tax brackets and how do they impact savings?

Created on: 09/01/2024
Updated: 19/07/2024
How much money you earn could determine how much tax you pay not just on your salary, but on things like the interest you earn from your savings. So, what are the Income Tax brackets in the UK — and how do they affect your Personal Tax Allowance?
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Saving vs. Investing: things to consider

Created on: 02/01/2024
Updated: 16/07/2024
While cash could be an option for your short-term financial needs (such as a rainy day fund), it’s a much less desirable option for long-term growth.
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The Wealthify guide to saving a lump sum

Created on: 30/11/2023
Updated: 16/07/2024
Whether you’re investing an inheritance or a bonus from work, knowing what to do with a lump sum can sometimes feel daunting. Thankfully, our handy guide is here to help you make the most of a lump sum investment.
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Is ‘lifestyle creep’ stopping you from saving?

Created on: 04/08/2023
Updated: 08/03/2024
Getting a pay rise is up there with one of the best feelings you can experience. But if you’re not saving any extra money – despite the bigger paycheck – then you may have fallen victim to ‘lifestyle creep’. Here’s what it is, why it happens, and what you could do to combat it.
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What is the UK’s level of financial knowledge – and what impact is this having on our money?

Created on: 30/07/2023
Updated: 10/06/2024
Our new research with The Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) has discovered that only 5% of Brits were able to answer 10 questions about frequently discussed financial topics correctly. Read to find out more about the impact a lack of knowledge could have on people’s financial future.
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7 tips for saving money this summer

Created on: 23/06/2023
Updated: 14/02/2024
Don’t let summer burn a hole in your pocket! Follow our tips to save money this summer.
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What is a sinking fund? Your guide to creating a savings pot for big purchases

Created on: 19/05/2023
Updated: 16/07/2024
No one likes parting with a big sum of cash to pay for things like vet bills, car insurance, or home repairs — but these costs are just a part of life and can’t be avoided. Luckily, you could take some of the pressure off these and other irregular expenses with a sinking fund.
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When does the new tax year start — and how could you prepare for the changes it could make to your finances?

Created on: 10/04/2023
Updated: 17/07/2024
The new tax year can bring with it many changes – from the cost of things like your water bill and council tax, to your annual tax-free allowance limits. Here are some things that you could do to prepare for it.
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What is the Capital Gains Tax allowance for 2024/25?

Created on: 17/03/2023
Updated: 08/07/2024
Since 6th April 2024, the UK’s Capital Gains Tax allowance has been reduced from its previous rate. Read on to find out what changed — and what exactly this could mean for you and your investments.
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End of tax year deadlines and what they mean for you

Created on: 10/03/2023
Updated: 21/02/2024
The tax year has an impact on how much you can save tax-free each year. Here’s what you need to know about it.
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Four saving techniques to help you in 2023

Created on: 01/02/2023
Updated: 16/07/2024
If you're looking to start putting money away on a regular basis, or just hit an upcoming financial milestone, then these following techniques could help you boss your savings!
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How to save money and the planet

Created on: 30/01/2023
Updated: 05/06/2024
Because it doesn’t have to be one or the other – being more eco-friendly doesn’t have to cost you the Earth. Here are some simple changes that could help you make a difference.
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